Support MAKE with an End-of-Year Donation!


Your tax-deductible donation to MAKE Literary Productions, NFP (501c3) supports independent literary publishing, events, and so much more.

It’s been another amazing year for MAKE! A year that quietly marked a decade of publishing–with over 500 writers, visual artists, translators, and illustrators gracing of 16 carefully-edited and designed issues.

That doesn’t even include the online-exclusive interviews, essays, literature, and more.

Or the more than 50 events featuring not only writers and visual artists, but musicians, filmmakers, comedians, culinary artists, actors, elected officials, and more in eight US cities and Mexico City!

In addition, in 2014, MAKE launched the Lit & Luz Festival, featuring collaborations with writers and visual artists in Chicago and Mexico City.

We’re fortunate to have always had an amazing staff of editors and admins who have always worked amicably and united in service of MAKE’s mission to  purpose is to publish contemporary literary writing through the biannual print publication, MAKE: A Literary Magazine, to stage readings and integrative arts events, and to educate through public forums on literature and writing and publishing workshops.

As we enter a new decade of MAKE, with new opportunities and re-imaginings, we ask for your financial support to continue publishing and printing MAKE, as well as books (including an upcoming anthology!), host the international festival, Lit & Luz as well as scores of other events, and to continue to promote new writers, artists, and translators.

Click here to donate online. All donations over $10 will receive a copy of fresh-off-the-press MAKE #16 and all donation of over $50 will receive a copy of the forthcoming MAKE anthology, MAKE: X. THANK YOU!

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